![dfb2020-11.jpg](files/11800e73-aed1-4381-ae01-9b6dd8f9785b/dfb2020-11.jpg) I am a Reader in Experimental Astronomy in the Department of Physics (Cavendish Lab) at the University of Cambridge. I have worked on the design, construction and operation of a number of optical interferometers worldwide: COAST, the MkIII interferometer on Mt Wilson, NPOI, and at present I am System Architect for the [Magdalena Ridge Observatory Interferometer](http://www.mro.nmt.edu), a ten-telescope imaging interferometer under construction in New Mexico. My book ["Practical Optical Interferometry"](http://www.amazon.co.uk/Practical-Optical-Interferometry-Wavelengths-Astronomers/dp/1107042178) was published by Cambridge University Press in 2015. Blatant commercial plug: I have obtained a discount code for the purchase of this book for all attendees of this school. Please see under the "Introduction to interferometry" course page on nuclino for more details.